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[mgp-users 01286] Re: Two questions

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new using Magic Point and I'm very confortable with this
> Presentation Software, great work. But I have two questions and I didn't
> find answers in the doc:
> - Is posible to put links or URLs (something like href) in the
> presentations?
> - Is posible to use italic or bold fonts in only a part of a sentence?

For the second part see the %cont(inue) command to continue on the
same line.

Blah blah blah
%font "red_bold_underline", cont
%font "normal", cont
blah blah blah blah

I don't think you can put clickable urls in, you might be able to
achieve a similar effect with %system and maybe %pause?

Cheers -Terry

> --
> Vicente Ruiz            |   gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 9E358A05
> http://ourproject.org   |
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  "Our hope is that this project will inspire similar efforts at other
>  institutions and will reinforce the concept that ideas are best viewed as the
>  common property of all of us, not as proprietary products intended to generate
>  profits." William and Flora Hewlett Foundation president Paul Brest, commenting
>  on the foundation's support for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's
>  OpenCourseWare initiative.
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Please DON'T send me files in the non-standard, bloated .doc format that is
>  Microsoft's secret. See: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

Terry Brown               Natural Resources Research Institute
Research Associate        5013 Miller Trunk Highway
tbrown@nrri.umn.edu       University of Minnesota, Duluth
Ph. 218 720 4345          Duluth, Minnesota 55811
Fax 218 720 4328          http://beaver.nrri.umn.edu/~tbrown/