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[mgp-users 01285] Two questions


I'm new using Magic Point and I'm very confortable with this
Presentation Software, great work. But I have two questions and I didn't
find answers in the doc:

- Is posible to put links or URLs (something like href) in the
- Is posible to use italic or bold fonts in only a part of a sentence?


Vicente Ruiz            |   gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 9E358A05
http://ourproject.org   |
 "Our hope is that this project will inspire similar efforts at other
 institutions and will reinforce the concept that ideas are best viewed as the
 common property of all of us, not as proprietary products intended to generate 
 profits." William and Flora Hewlett Foundation president Paul Brest, commenting
 on the foundation's support for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's
 OpenCourseWare initiative.  
 Please DON'T send me files in the non-standard, bloated .doc format that is 
 Microsoft's secret. See: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html