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[mgp-users 01260] Re: "Re: Nothing displayed"

From: "Fr�d�ric Klopp" <klopp@math.univ-paris13.fr>
Subject: Re: [mgp-users 01257] "Re: Nothing displayed"
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 11:48:51 +0200
Message-ID: <>

 >     Yoshifumi> The verbose outputs show that you're using Xft font and
 >     Yoshifumi> not using truetype.  If you want to use truetype fonts,
 >     Yoshifumi> please use -x xft option to disable the xft related
 >     Yoshifumi> functions.
 >     Thanks. So how does one use/declare/change xft fonts in a
 >     magicpoint document?  

You can use 'xfont' direcitve to use xft font. The fc-list command will 
give you a list of the installed fonts on your system. 
Yoshifumi Nishida