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[mgp-users 01258] Re: "Re: Nothing displayed"

The verbose outputs show that you're using Xft font and not using truetype.
If you want to use truetype fonts, please use -x xft option to disable the
xft related functions.
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: "Fr�d�ric Klopp" <klopp@math.univ-paris13.fr>
Subject: [mgp-users 01257] "Re: Nothing displayed"
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 10:38:47 +0200
Message-ID: <>

 > Thanks for the quick answer. "opaque 100" works except that mgp 1.10a
 > does not used the specified fonts (this problem did not occur with
 > 1.9a). It seems to fall back to some default. Changing the font
 > directives in the header does not change anything. The verbose output
 > still says it found the fonts OK.
 > Best,
 > 	Frédéric
 > >>>>> "Yoshifumi" == Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp> writes:
 >     Yoshifumi> Hi, I found this bug recently. 
 >     Yoshifumi> Please add "%opaque 100" in your mgp script.
 >     Yoshifumi> Thanks,
 >     Yoshifumi> --
 >     Yoshifumi> Yoshifumi Nishida
 >     Yoshifumi> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp
 >     Yoshifumi> From: "Fr$,3u=(Bd$,3u=(Bric Klopp" <klopp@math.univ-paris13.fr>
 >     Yoshifumi> Subject: [mgp-users 01255] Nothing displayed
 >     Yoshifumi> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 09:57:37 +0200
 >     Yoshifumi> Message-ID: <>
 >     >> Hi everybody,
 >     >> 
 >     >> I just compiled magicpoint 1.10a (Linux Mandrake 9.1, kernel
 >     >> 2.4.21, XFree 4.3, glibc 2.3.1), and tried it out on some
 >     >> presentations I had written used with magicpoint 1.9a (they work
 >     >> fine). mgp 1.10a does not display any of the text of my presentation
 >     >> : it only displays the images.
 >     >> 
 >     >> Here is the verbose output (I seems to find the fonts but shows
 >     >> nothing but the images) :
 >     >> 
 >     >> [klopp@localhost kit]$ ./mgp -V ~/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp
 >     >> trying to open font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts/times.ttf"
 >     >> font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts/times.ttf" opened successfully
 >     >> trying to open font "timesbd.ttf"
 >     >> trying to open font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts//timesbd.ttf"
 >     >> font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts//timesbd.ttf" opened successfully
 >     >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 53
 >     >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 38
 >     >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 53
 >     >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 30
 >     >> computing zoom: screen=(1024,768) image=(772,60) zoom param=(100.00/asis,100.00/asis)
 >     >> resulting zoom=(1.000000,1.000000)
 >     >> gs cache filename: /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60
 >     >> gs cache valid, using it
 >     >> image_load_ps: stockholm.mgp.figs/fig1.eps: pnmraw+ file = /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60
 >     >> /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60 is a 772x60 Raw PGM image with 256 levels
 >     >> computing zoom: screen=(1024,768) image=(772,60) zoom param=(100.00/asis,100.00/asis)
 >     >> resulting zoom=(1.000000,1.000000)
 >     >> obj_image_trans: rgb: trans=255, rgb_used=256, rgb_size=256
 >     >> image=772x60+135+224
 >     >> Building XImage...done
 >     >> [klopp@localhost kit]$
 >     >> 
 >     >> 
 >     >> The same occurs with the cvs version.
 >     >> Any help welcome.
 >     >> Best,
 >     >> Frédéric
 >     >> 
 >     >> PS : thanks for the great software.
 >     >> 
 > -- 
 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > | Frédéric Klopp               |   Tél: 33/0-1-49-40-40-88 (Int./Nat.)	 |
 > | LAGA, Institut Galilée       |   Fax: 33/0-1-49-40-35-68 (Int./Nat.)	 |
 > | Université Paris-Nord        |  		Homepage:                |
 > | F-93430 Villetaneuse, FRANCE | http://zeus.math.univ-paris13.fr/~klopp |
 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------