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[mgp-users 01257] "Re: Nothing displayed"

Thanks for the quick answer. "opaque 100" works except that mgp 1.10a
does not used the specified fonts (this problem did not occur with
1.9a). It seems to fall back to some default. Changing the font
directives in the header does not change anything. The verbose output
still says it found the fonts OK.

>>>>> "Yoshifumi" == Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp> writes:

    Yoshifumi> Hi, I found this bug recently. 
    Yoshifumi> Please add "%opaque 100" in your mgp script.

    Yoshifumi> Thanks,
    Yoshifumi> --
    Yoshifumi> Yoshifumi Nishida
    Yoshifumi> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp

    Yoshifumi> From: "Fr$,3u=(Bd$,3u=(Bric Klopp" <klopp@math.univ-paris13.fr>
    Yoshifumi> Subject: [mgp-users 01255] Nothing displayed
    Yoshifumi> Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 09:57:37 +0200
    Yoshifumi> Message-ID: <>

    >> Hi everybody,
    >> I just compiled magicpoint 1.10a (Linux Mandrake 9.1, kernel
    >> 2.4.21, XFree 4.3, glibc 2.3.1), and tried it out on some
    >> presentations I had written used with magicpoint 1.9a (they work
    >> fine). mgp 1.10a does not display any of the text of my presentation
    >> : it only displays the images.
    >> Here is the verbose output (I seems to find the fonts but shows
    >> nothing but the images) :
    >> [klopp@localhost kit]$ ./mgp -V ~/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp
    >> trying to open font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts/times.ttf"
    >> font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts/times.ttf" opened successfully
    >> trying to open font "timesbd.ttf"
    >> trying to open font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts//timesbd.ttf"
    >> font "/usr/share/fonts/msfonts//timesbd.ttf" opened successfully
    >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 53
    >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 38
    >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 53
    >> using xftfont [times-medium-r] size: 30
    >> computing zoom: screen=(1024,768) image=(772,60) zoom param=(100.00/asis,100.00/asis)
    >> resulting zoom=(1.000000,1.000000)
    >> gs cache filename: /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60
    >> gs cache valid, using it
    >> image_load_ps: stockholm.mgp.figs/fig1.eps: pnmraw+ file = /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60
    >> /home/klopp/PAPTEX/POSTERS-EXPOSES/STOCKHOLM-SEPT-02/stockholm.mgp.figs/.gscache.fig1.eps.772x60 is a 772x60 Raw PGM image with 256 levels
    >> computing zoom: screen=(1024,768) image=(772,60) zoom param=(100.00/asis,100.00/asis)
    >> resulting zoom=(1.000000,1.000000)
    >> obj_image_trans: rgb: trans=255, rgb_used=256, rgb_size=256
    >> image=772x60+135+224
    >> Building XImage...done
    >> [klopp@localhost kit]$
    >> The same occurs with the cvs version.
    >> Any help welcome.
    >> Best,
    >> Frédéric
    >> PS : thanks for the great software.

| Frédéric Klopp               |   Tél: 33/0-1-49-40-40-88 (Int./Nat.)	 |
| LAGA, Institut Galilée       |   Fax: 33/0-1-49-40-35-68 (Int./Nat.)	 |
| Université Paris-Nord        |  		Homepage:                |
| F-93430 Villetaneuse, FRANCE | http://zeus.math.univ-paris13.fr/~klopp |