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[mgp-users 01244] Re: Rendering bugs in 1.10a

On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 11:00:51AM -0700, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> I found a bug and fixed it. But I realized that it has nothing to 
> with your problem after I got full information of your mgp script.
> The reason that you have smaller gaps for the line: "SPUG .." is you 
> put "%vgap 20" before the line. If you relace it with "%vgap 75",
> or remove it and set vgap 75 in default 3, you will get same result
> as 1.09a. 
> --
> Yoshifumi Nishida
> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp

I know how to work around this problem, but that's not my point.

My point is that this behavior is *entirely new* in 1.10a; 1.09a
uses the 'tab 1' definition to set the vgap parameter for the
intra-tab-1 and post-tab-1 vertical gap spacing, regardless of
what %vgap setting might come before it, rather than letting a
vgap-setting leak in from above, which is what 1.10a is doing.

I'm identifying this behavior as a bug because a) it's not a
documented change from 1.09a, and b) it can break presentations
written for 1.09a, and c) I've got hundreds of pages that work fine
in 1.09a, but get rendered very badly in 1.10a because of this.

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