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[mgp-users 01243] Re: Rendering bugs in 1.10a

I found a bug and fixed it. But I realized that it has nothing to 
with your problem after I got full information of your mgp script.

The reason that you have smaller gaps for the line: "SPUG .." is you 
put "%vgap 20" before the line. If you relace it with "%vgap 75",
or remove it and set vgap 75 in default 3, you will get same result
as 1.09a. 
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Tim Maher <tim@consultix-inc.com>
Subject: [mgp-users 01242] Re: Rendering bugs in 1.10a
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 09:13:17 -0700
Message-ID: <>

 > > I believe that you're using default in line 5 and set vgap in
 > > the default. As I said before, if you set something in default,
 > > it will overwrite tab.
 > >
 > > Yoshifumi Nishida
 > > nishida@csl.sony.co.jp
 > I thought you had fixed that, in the patch already supplied (and
 > incorporated by me).
 > In any case, that is the correct explanation for a different
 > problem.
 > This is a totally separate one. I *don't* have "default 5"
 > defined in my .mgprc file, and in any case the problem is not
 > limited to the first bullet item on the page -- it happens with
 > *all* bullet items that are immediately preceded by a %vgap
 > directive. And this problem (shown in teachmeperl.com/spugstats.jgp)
 > occurs *only* with 1.10a, not 1.09a.
 > But the more I think about it, the more I'd like to keep this bug
 > (because it gives me more control) *unless* along with
 > its removal we can get the new feature of single-spacing between
 > lines for wrapped-around bullet items, to give us
 > 	* bullet item starts here and
 > 	  wraps around to next line
 > . . . instead of the unsightly current results:
 > 	* bullet item starts here and
 > 	  wraps around to next line
 > Here's the sample program again that shows the problem, followed by
 > the indicated .mgprc file
 > >  > %include "/Speeches/timji.mgprc"
 > >  > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > >  > %page
 > >  > # Starting New Page
 > >  > %center
 > >  > 
 > >  > %fore "white"
 > >  > (C) 2003, Tim Maher       1-5       www.TeachMePerl.com
 > >  > SPUG Stats
 > >  > Guru Patronage
 > >  > 
 > >  > # With 1.09 and 1.10, if vgap commented-out, identical results
 > >  > # With 1.10, if vgap not commented-out, affects rendering of 'tab 1'
 > >  > %vgap 20
 > >  > %leftfill
 > >  > 	SPUG has been a Guru magnet; past speakers include 
 > >  > %font "default"
 > >  > %cont
 > >  > (by some definitions of "speaker"):
 > >  > 		Damian, Dan, Dominus, Gisle, Larry, Nat, Randal,
 > # Adding a vgap here disproves the theory that "default 5" is involved,
 > # because the same result is obtained as up above:
 > %vgap 20
 > >  > 	and
 > >  > 		Ingy (a SPUGster himself)
 > bugdemo.mgprc:
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% This default.mgp is "TrueType fonts" oriented.
 > %% First, you should create "~/.mgprc" whose contents are:
 > %%	tfdir "/path/to/truetype/fonts"
 > %%
 > %% To visualize English, install "standard.ttf", "thick.ttf", and 
 > %% "typewriter.ttf" into the "tfdir" directory above:
 > %%	ftp://ftp.mew.org/pub/mgp/ttf-us.tar.gz
 > %%
 > %% To visualize Japanese, install "kochi-mincho.ttf" and "goth.ttf"
 > %% into the "tfdir" directory above:
 > %%	ftp://ftp.mew.org/pub/mgp/ttf-jp.tar.gz
 > %%
 > %deffont "default"   tfont "dixon.ttf"
 > %deffont "bold"   tfont "dixon1.ttf"
 > %deffont "italic"   tfont "dixon2.ttf"
 > %deffont "bolditalic"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "bi"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "italicb"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "ib"   tfont "dixon3.ttf"
 > %deffont "wide"   tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "wideb"   tfont "dixon_w1.ttf"
 > %deffont "exp"   tfont "dixon_ex.ttf"
 > %deffont "expb"   tfont "dixon_e1.ttf"
 > %deffont "thin"   tfont "dixon_th.ttf"
 > %deffont "standard"   tfont "standard.ttf"
 > %deffont "thick"      tfont "thick.ttf"
 > %deffont "typewriter" tfont "typewriter.ttf"
 > %deffont "tty" tfont "Wqtm_p_t.ttf"
 > %deffont "c" tfont "cour.ttf"
 > %deffont "courier" tfont "cour.ttf"
 > %deffont "courierb" tfont "courbd.ttf"
 > %deffont "cb" tfont "courbd.ttf"
 > %deffont "ci" tfont "couri.ttf"
 > %deffont "courieri" tfont "couri.ttf"
 > %deffont "cbi" tfont "courbi.ttf"
 > %deffont "courierbi" tfont "courbi.ttf"
 > %deffont "title" tfont "arial.ttf"
 > %deffont "titleb" tfont "olvr75w.ttf"
 > %deffont "titleb2" tfont "ariblk.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull1" tfont "verdanab.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull2" tfont "verdana.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull3" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "bull4" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %deffont "title2" tfont "dixon_wd.ttf"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings per each line numbers.
 > %%
 > %default 1 area 90 90, leftfill, size 1, fore "gray", back "black", font "italic"
 > %default 2 size 4, vgap 0, prefix " ", font "default", vgap 0
 > %default 3 size 7, vgap 100, bar "gray70", vgap 10, fore "green2", font "title"
 > %default 4 size 5, fore "sandybrown", vgap 30, prefix " ", font "title2"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings that are applied to TAB-indented lines.
 > %%
 > %tab 1 size 5,  fore "white", vgap 75, prefix		"  ", icon arc "yellow" 55, tfont "verdanab.ttf"
 > %tab 2 fore "pink", size 5.0, vgap 75, prefix		"     ", icon delta3 "green" 50, tfont "verdana.ttf"
 > %tab 3 fore "pink", size 4.8,	  vgap 75, prefix	"        ", icon box "orange" 45, tfont "verdana.ttf"
 > -Tim
 > *------------------------------------------------------------*
 > | Tim Maher (206) 781-UNIX  (866) DOC-PERL  (866) DOC-UNIX   |
 > | tim(AT)Consultix-Inc.Com  TeachMeUnix.Com  TeachMePerl.Com |
 > *+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-*
 > |  Watch for my Book: "Minimal Perl for Shell Programmers"   |
 > *------------------------------------------------------------*