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[mgp-users 01228] audio on demand in mgp slides

I'm trying to embedded audio examples in my slides.  I can make them
play when I reach the slide, but I'd much rather play the audio by
clicking something so I have it played at the appropriate time in my
talk and replay the audio as required.

I have a tiny tcl program that will bring up a single button that will
play a waveform on clicking and can embeded that in my slides as

%system "./play.tcl -geometry %+25+60"

but mgp doesn't pass my mouse button events to the tcl program.

I feel there is probably a simple solution to this (I don't need to
use my tcl script), but can't quite think what it is.

Do you have any suggestions.



Alan W Black                                email: awb@cs.cmu.edu
Language Technologies Institute             http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~awb/
Carnegie Mellon University                  tel: +1-412-268-6299  
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA, 15213, USA. fax: +1-412-268-6298