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[mgp-users 01230] Re: audio on demand in mgp slides

* Alan W Black <awb@cs.cmu.edu> [2003-07-03 14:30]:
> I'm trying to embedded audio examples in my slides.  I can
> make them play when I reach the slide, but I'd much rather
> play the audio by clicking something so I have it played at
> the appropriate time in my talk and replay the audio as required.
> I have a tiny tcl program that will bring up a single button that will
> play a waveform on clicking and can embeded that in my slides ..
> but mgp doesn't pass my mouse button events to the tcl program.
> I feel there is probably a simple solution to this (I don't
> need to use my tcl script), but can't quite think what it is.
> Do you have any suggestions.

well - why do you have to click on anything to make
it play?  is the cliking essential to your talk?
if not then why not simply change to the console or to
another terminal and play whatever you need from there?
