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[mgp-users 01086] Yet another embedded LaTeX preprocessor


just to send (attached) yet another preprocessor for embedded LaTeX,
called 'mgplatex'. Patches and suggestions welcome. mgplatex -h says :

NAME mgplatex - Compile latex code embedded in MagicPoint code

    Creates a MagicPoint file file.mgp from a file containing MagicPoint
    code with inlined LaTeX code.

SYNOPSIS mgplatex [options] file

    Reads file, transforms LaTeX code enclosed in %beginlatex-%endlatex or
    \beginlatex-\endlatex blocks into mgp code and writes the result in
    file.mgp, which may then be read by mgp.

    In the process, a directory is created (default : file.auxfiles), in
    which .tex files are created and transformed into encapsulated
    postscript (.eps) images by latex and dvips.

    If a %latexpreamble-%endlatexpreamble block is present, it is inserted
    before "\begin{document}". By default, "\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}"
    is inserted.

    The following block

      %beginlatex  0 60 30
      A little bit of \LaTeX : 
      \[ A(x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} e^-\frac{x}{2} dx \]

    is transformed by mgplatex into :

      %image "file.auxdir/latex-0.eps" 0 60 35

    where file.auxdir/latex-0.eps is the image that shows the output of

    It is possible to use latex packages by specifying them in preamble. The
    following example uses the color and dsfont packages :

      %beginlatex  0 30 5
        $$ \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{X}} \in \mathds{R}^3 $$

    -d dirname
        Put generated files in dirname. By default, uses file.auxfiles.

    -f  Force compilation of latex code, even if it is unchanged since last
        time it was compiled.

    -v  Be verbose.

    -h  Show this help and exit.

    mgp, <http://www.mew.org/mgp/>, latex and dvips.

    Embedding latex in mgp is an old wheel that is often reinvented on
    mgp-user@mew.org. Luigi Rizzo made a on-the-fly preprocessor [1] and so
    did Stephan Buchert [3], who modified an the script tex2eps.sh by
    Sylvain Pion. Anders Logg made an offline preprocessor mgptex [2].
    mgplatex should be able to read the embedded code of mgptex.

     [1] http://www.mew.org/ml/mgp-users/msg00253.html
     [2] http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/mgp-users/msg00290.html
     [3] http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/mgp-users/msg00419.html

Etienne Grossmann ------ http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~etienne
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME mgplatex - Compile latex code embedded in MagicPoint code

Creates a MagicPoint file F<file.mgp> from a F<file> containing MagicPoint
code with inlined LaTeX code.

=head1 SYNOPSIS mgplatex [options] F<file>

Reads F<file>, transforms LaTeX code enclosed in B<%beginlatex-%endlatex> or
B<\beginlatex-\endlatex> blocks into mgp code and writes the result in
F<file.mgp>, which may then be read by F<mgp>.

In the process, a directory is created (default : F<file.auxfiles>), in
which .tex files are created and transformed into encapsulated postscript
(.eps) images by B<latex> and B<dvips>.

If a B<%latexpreamble-%endlatexpreamble> block is present, it is inserted
before C<\begin{document}>. By default, C<\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}> is

=head1 EXAMPLE

The following block

  %beginlatex  0 60 30
  A little bit of \LaTeX : 
  \[ A(x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} e^-\frac{x}{2} dx \]

is transformed by mgplatex into :

  %image "file.auxdir/latex-0.eps" 0 60 35

where F<file.auxdir/latex-0.eps> is the image that shows the output of

It is possible to use latex packages by specifying them in preamble. The
following example uses the color and dsfont packages :
  %beginlatex  0 30 5
    $$ \textcolor{red}{\mathbf{X}} \in \mathds{R}^3 $$

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -d F<dirname>

Put generated files in F<dirname>. By default, uses F<file.auxfiles>.

=item -f

Force compilation of latex code, even if it is unchanged since last time it
was compiled.

=item -v

Be verbose.

=item -h

Show this help and exit.


=head1 SEE ALSO

B<mgp>, L<http://www.mew.org/mgp/>, B<latex> and B<dvips>.

Embedding latex in mgp is an old wheel that is often reinvented on
mgp-user@mew.org. Luigi Rizzo made a on-the-fly preprocessor [1] and so did
Stephan Buchert [3], who modified an the script B<tex2eps.sh> by Sylvain
Pion.  Anders Logg made an offline preprocessor B<mgptex> [2]. B<mgplatex>
should be able to read the embedded code of B<mgptex>.

 [1] http://www.mew.org/ml/mgp-users/msg00253.html
 [2] http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/mgp-users/msg00290.html
 [3] http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/mgp-users/msg00419.html


$verbose = 0;
$directory = "";
$latexpreamble = "\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n";
$force = 0;

exec "perldoc -t $0|cat" unless $ARGV;

while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
    my $opt = shift @ARGV;
    if ($opt =~ /v/) { $verbose = 1 }
    if ($opt =~ /d/) { $directory = shift @ARGV }
    if ($opt =~ /f/) { $force = 1 }
    if ($opt =~ /h/) { exec "perldoc -t $0|cat" }
    die "Unknown option '$opt'" unless /[vdfh]/;

$infile = shift @ARGV;

$outfile = "$infile.mgp";

$directory = "$infile.auxdir" unless $directory;

open FF, "<$infile" or die "Can't read file '$infile'";
open GG, ">$outfile" or die "Can't write file '$outfile'";

unless (-d $directory) {
    print "Creating '$directory'\n" if $verbose;
    mkdir $directory or die "Can't create directory '$directory'";

$counter = 0;			# Counter for latex expressions / files

				# CD to directory
chdir $directory or die "Can't cd to '$directory'";

$outpipe = $verbose ? "" : " &> /dev/null" ;

while (! eof(FF)) {
    $_ = <FF>;

    my ($keep, $latex, $latexsize) = ("","","");
    if (/^\s*(?:\\|\%\s*)beginlatex\s*(.*)/) {

	$latexsize = $1;

	my $basename = "latex-$counter";

	while (1) {
	    $_ = <FF>;
	    last if  /^\s*(?:\\|\%\s*)endlatex/;

				# Size of latex image

	    if (/^\%\s*latexsize\s*(.*)/) {
		chomp ($latexsize = $1);

	    } else {
				# Correct \input{} for changed directory
		s|\\input{(.*)}|"\\input{". &localize($1) ."}"|eg;

		/^\%\s*(center|leftfill|rightfill)/ ? $keep : $latex .= $_;
	    if (eof(FF)) {warn "beginlatex without endlatex"; last}
	print "Keep  >>$keep<<\nLatex >>$latex<<\n" if $verbose;

	print GG $keep;		# Print kept code
	print GG qq(%image "$directory/$basename.eps" $latexsize\n);
				# Create latex file

	$latexfile = "$basename.tex";
	$tmplatex = "tmplatex.tex";
	open HH, ">$tmplatex" or 
	    die "Can't create latex file '$tmplatex'\n";

	print HH <<EOLATEX;

	print HH $latex, '\end{document}' , "\n";

	close HH;

	$counter++ ;
				# Check whether compilation is necessary

	if (! $force && -e $latexfile && 
	    ! system ("cmp $latexfile $tmplatex >/dev/null")) {
	    if ($verbose) {
		print "Skipping unchanged file '$latexfile'\n";
	} else {
	    rename $tmplatex, $latexfile or 
		die "Can't rename temp '$tmplatex' to '$latexfile'";

	    if ($verbose) {
		print "Compiling '$latexfile'\n";

				# Compile latex file
	die "Problems running latex" if 
	    system "latex $latexfile $outpipe";

	die "Problems running dvips" if 
	    system "dvips -q -E $basename.dvi -o $basename.eps $outpipe";

				# Todo : remove temp files

				# End of reading LaTeX code ##########

				# Read LaTeX preamble ################
    } elsif (/^\s*(?:\\|\%\s*)latexpreamble/) { 
	$latexpreamble = "";

	while (1) {
	    $_ = <FF>;
	    last if  /^\s*(?:\\|\%\s*)endlatexpreamble/;
	    $latexpreamble .= $_;
	    if (eof(FF)) {
		warn "latexpreamble without endlatexpreamble";
				# End of reading LaTeX preamble ######

    } else {			# Pass mgp code through
	print GG $_;
close FF;
close GG;
exit 0;				# That's it

				# change \input{x} to \input{../x}
sub localize {
    my $f = shift;
    $f =~ s{^}{../} unless $f =~ m{^/};