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[mgp-users 00929] Re: Problems embedding apps in presentations


  DISPLAY="0:0" export DISPLAY

instead of

  DISPLAY=":1" export DISPLAY

maybe this helps.


Daniel Schlieper               MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
daniel@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk       Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK
Tel.: +44 1223 252969          FAX: +44 1223 213556
WWW: http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/JYL/index.html

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Grunde L|voll wrote:

> This donsn't work on my system. When I try I get the message:
>  gres>
>  gres> xmgp -t 100 sample.mgp
>  Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server
>  Xlib: No protocol specified
>  Can't open display
>  X(1185): Operation not permitted
>  gres>
> Does the script have to run as root or is there something wrong with the
> configuration of my X-server?
> Best
> Grunde
> On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Chris Tyler wrote:
> > Here is another solution to starting mgp without a window manager: I use a
> > script named "xmgp" which starts X and then fires up the presentation on
> > that display:
> >
> >     #!/bin/bash
> >     #
> >     # xmgp :: start mgp on its own display
> >     #
> >        DISPLAY=":1" export DISPLAY
> >     X $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null &
> >     sleep 2	# give X a head-start
> >     mgp $*
> >     killall X		# terminate X when mgp exits
> >   You use this script as you would mgp, that is, give the mgp options on
> > the command line. Since this starts X display 1, it is compatible with the
> > normal, runlevel 5 X server, which runs as display 0. In other words, you
> > can login graphically, type "xmgp -t 100 mypresentation.mgp" and your
> > presentation will start up full-screen. (Of course, you can also login
> > non-graphically and start a presentation this way, too). When you exit
> > from your mgp session you will generally be returned to the screen from
> > which you started it.
> >
> > One nice thing about this approach is that you at any time switch between
> > your regular X session (which typically runs on virtual terminal 7, press
> > Ctrl+Alt+F7 to access) and your mgp session (which typically runs on vt 8,
> > press Ctrl+Alt+F8 to access). I use this to teach Unix courses at a
> > college and like to be able to skip over to a full KDE or Gnome
> > environment to give demos.
> >
> > (This works under the default setup of RedHat and SuSE. On other distros
> > or customized setups your mileage may vary; for example, at home I have
> > four graphical logins on vt7-10 so that family members can login without
> > logging me out ;-) so I have to use 'DISPLAY=":4" ' in the script at home).
> >
> > --
> > Chris Tyler
> > Seneca@York
> >
> > ===============================================================================