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[mgp-users 00795] Re: One Latex Character in a line with normal text - resolved

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 nishida@csl.sony.co.jp wrote:

> From: Hans Fangohr <fangohr@soton.ac.uk>
> Subject: [mgp-users 00763] One Latex Character in a line with normal text
> Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 21:28:39 +0000 (GMT)
> Message-ID: <>
> fangohr> Hi,
> fangohr>
> fangohr> I would like to write something like
> fangohr>
> fangohr> "The state $\phi$ is defined by ..."
> fangohr>
> fangohr> This I can achieve by this fragment
> fangohr> #------------------------------
> fangohr> The state
> fangohr> %cont, newimage -yscrzoom 5 "phi.eps"
> fangohr> is defined by ...
> fangohr> This is new line 1.
> fangohr> This is new line 2.
> fangohr> This is new line 3.
> fangohr> #------------------------------
> fangohr>
> fangohr> However, the "new line 1" has a large spacing to "The state
> fangohr> $\phi$...". This is (I guess) because the equation-eps-file phi.eps is
> fangohr> so big, i.e. the bounding box bulges out to the next line. However,
> fangohr> the fontsize of \phi in phi.eps and the normal text is just the same.
> fangohr> I suppose the problem is that the bounding box is not tight enough. (?)
> fangohr>
> fangohr> I have used "dvips -f -E " as recommended to produce phi.eps.
> fangohr>
> fangohr> Can anyone suggest a way out?
> Hmm, Strage to me.. I tried same configuration as you described,
> but there is no such a problem in my environment. Please let me know
> your version number.
Dear Yoshifumi Nishida,

thanks for answering my mail! In the meantime since I wrote the first
mail, I have installed a new Linux-distribution, and the current
mgp-version is "mgp version 1.08a (20010524)".

I have done the test again, and the problem has disappeared. So it
probably was a much older version I had before. I cannot remember
at the moment which version it was.

However, there is (still) a slight imperfection: The symbol shown in the
eps-file is slighly elevated with respect to the baseline of the other
text. For clarity I have attached a very small png-file (hope this is okay
 in the mailing list) showing the result of this source:

The state
%cont, newimage -yscrzoom 5 "eqn_phi.eps"
 is defined by ...
This is new line 1.
This is new line 2.

where eqn_phi.tex essentially contains $$\Phi$$.

This shift of base-line is not a major problem, but if there was a
wish-list, then I would like to put this on there: It would be nice if
this symbol can be aligned with the base-line of the text. In particular
if you write formulae (i.e. more than one letter or symbol), then this
shift of the base-line makes the total impression of the slide

I suppose it is hard to find a general rule for this vertical displacement
(imagine for example the letter "q" in a formula: it should go underneath
the baseline with its line pointing downwards), but a command (option)
that displaces the eps-file by an arbitrary amount in the y-direction
would allow to create perfectly aligned equations (even if one had to play
with the numbers a while to get a good vertical displacement for each



P.S. Just gave my first lengthy presentation with mgp - and it was great.
Thanks for providing such a nice piece of software.

Hans Fangohr, fangohr@soton.ac.uk

High Performance Computing Group,
Dept. Electronics and Computer Science
Building 59, Level 3, Room 3237,
University of Southampton, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, Great Britain

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