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[mgp-users 00780] Re: One Latex Character in a line with normal text

From: Hans Fangohr <fangohr@soton.ac.uk>
Subject: [mgp-users 00763] One Latex Character in a line with normal text
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 21:28:39 +0000 (GMT)
Message-ID: <>

fangohr> Hi,
fangohr> I would like to write something like
fangohr> "The state $\phi$ is defined by ..."
fangohr> This I can achieve by this fragment
fangohr> #------------------------------
fangohr> The state
fangohr> %cont, newimage -yscrzoom 5 "phi.eps"
fangohr> is defined by ...
fangohr> This is new line 1.
fangohr> This is new line 2.
fangohr> This is new line 3.
fangohr> #------------------------------
fangohr> However, the "new line 1" has a large spacing to "The state
fangohr> $\phi$...". This is (I guess) because the equation-eps-file phi.eps is
fangohr> so big, i.e. the bounding box bulges out to the next line. However,
fangohr> the fontsize of \phi in phi.eps and the normal text is just the same.
fangohr> I suppose the problem is that the bounding box is not tight enough. (?)
fangohr> I have used "dvips -f -E " as recommended to produce phi.eps.
fangohr> Can anyone suggest a way out?

Hmm, Strage to me.. I tried same configuration as you described, 
but there is no such a problem in my environment. Please let me know
your version number.

Yoshifumi Nishida