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[mgp-users 00783] Some questions and suggestions...


I have been doing a presentation or two using MagicPoint :-) and now I
am at the edge of doing something really big with it.

There are some problems I have, and a few suggestions that came to my

1. The encoding names are a little bit inconsistent. MagicPoint needs
"iso8859-1" in the charset command, mgp2ps wants "iso-8859-1" (note
the additional hyphen). Can't this be changed?

2. Are german umlauts (öäüÖÄÜß) supported by mgp2ps at all? While
MagicPoint works well with those characters when doing a presentation,
mgp2ps wraps words after those umlauts (treating them like a word
boundary). Are those characters not contained in the latin1def
constant in print.c? How is this "array" structured (i.e. where would
I have to insert the appropriate chars, and in which format)?

3. Are there any structures one should avoid in a presentation file
which shall be converted by mgp2ps? I have some pages which cause gs
to bail out when viewing the file (or converting it to PDF), while
other (sometimes more complex) pages  display fine. Any hints on how
to debug this?

4. I made syntax-highlighting work for emacs 21 and added the missing
keywords to mgp-mode.el. To whom should I send the diff?

That's it for now.
Why do we have to hide from the police, daddy?
Because we use emacs, son. They use vi.
mailto:k.dambekalns@tu-bs.de w³: http://www.k-fish.de/
gpg: http://www.k-fish.de/mykeys.gpg