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[mgp-users 00763] One Latex Character in a line with normal text


I would like to write something like

"The state $\phi$ is defined by ..."

This I can achieve by this fragment
The state
%cont, newimage -yscrzoom 5 "phi.eps"
is defined by ...
This is new line 1.
This is new line 2.
This is new line 3.

However, the "new line 1" has a large spacing to "The state
$\phi$...". This is (I guess) because the equation-eps-file phi.eps is
so big, i.e. the bounding box bulges out to the next line. However,
the fontsize of \phi in phi.eps and the normal text is just the same.
I suppose the problem is that the bounding box is not tight enough. (?)

I have used "dvips -f -E " as recommended to produce phi.eps.

Can anyone suggest a way out?

I was thinking about using %mark and %again, to first
-store the position of the beginnig of the line "The state "...
-jump into the next line (new line 1), store the beginning position there
as well,
- then jump back to the first stored position, write the line, and the
- and the jump to the 2nd stored position tobe in the "right" place for
the next line.

But I would need to store 2 different positions. Also, this is not a very
general work-around: if you have a long paragraph, such that the line with
the equation extends into the next line, you have the same problem, and it
cannot be solved with jumping around.

Any suggestions welcome.

Thank you for reading,


P.S. The LaTeX file looks like this


Hans Fangohr, fangohr@soton.ac.uk

High Performance Computing Group,
Dept. Electronics and Computer Science
Building 59, Level 3, Room 3237,
University of Southampton, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, Great Britain