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[mgp-users 00718] Re: %include directive

>On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Nick Moffitt wrote:
>> 	You also lose the cache-ahead magic.  I'll agree it's not
>> perfect, but it works.
>you also lose the ability to go back to a slide in the earlier
>presentations if somebody has a question at the end and you need to refer
>to a slide (and also the ability to do ctrl arrow features, etc.).
>but, hopefully itojun understands now. :)

	i fully understand what you want, and i still don't think it feasible
	to add it (due to the way-to-complex semantics) so there's no
	motivation for me.  making %insert (or whatever) a page boundary
	does not look like a solution to me, and the behavior is not clear
	enough for me.
	you can try it yourself, the source code is available:-P
