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[mgp-users 00687] Re: Howto, Manual, List of instructions

On 2001.08.23 20:44:39 +0200 Pedro Quaresma de Almeida wrote:
> Hi
> Are there any manuals for the Magic Point language?

I'm afraid not...
I studied the SYNTAX file and the examples...

> Is it possible to scale an eps image inside Magic Point?

Yeah: see %image and %newimage directive in SYNTAX...

> Is it possible to mix two (or more) types of fonts in the same
> line?

Yeah: with the %cont directive...
For istance:

Hello world (
%cont, font "emph"
by me
%cont, font "standard"

"emph" and "standard" fonts must have been defined in the
preamble with two %deffont directives...

 Francesco Poli         e-frx@libero.it   frx@users.sf.net
      e_frx@inwind.it   e-frx@arnone.de.unifi.it