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[mgp-users 00660] using mpeg_play

Well, you can always try to teach your windowmanager how to deal with
the applications but I've found that the best way is to use no window
manager at all.

The easiest way to use mpeg_play is to
1) usem system and not xsystem
2) use a display where there is no window manager.

Try the following

xinit -- :1
(or xinit -- :0, xinit -- :2)

this should open you a display with no window manager
and with a xtemr on the corner. To change back to your old
display (presumably :0) use the following shortcuts
ctrl+alt+f1 console
ctrl+alt+f7 :0
ctrl+alt+f8 :1
ctrl+alt+f9 :2

In your mgp file add the following:
%system "mpeg_play -quiet -dither color -controls none -loop -position +395+379

(of course the mpeg name and the position are your choice). when run in the
:1 display the mpeg should go smoothly. If you want to use a still frame is
also very easy:

%system "xview -quiet -geometry 624x384+395+379 1600A.jpg"
%system "mpeg_play -quiet ....

Don't use plaympeg or xanim to display mpegs, they won't display a lot of
your frames. Xanim is ok to display quicktimes,avis,animated gifs, etc,
and if mgp was launched with the option -g will accept orders from the keyboard.
(also from the mouse).

Of course a better way would be to write a libmpeg similar to libmng and to
use an %anim command.