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(mgp-users 00573) Re: side-by-side positioning

On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 11:15:59PM +0900, William Sherman -Visualization wrote:
> > From: sigi-mgp@mail2me.de
> > 
> > The %mark and %again are very good ideas.
> > Is it possible to have not only an %xoffset, I had needed an %yoffset to?
> I agree that there needs to be a "%xyloc" or something command that
> basically does what "%again" does, except move to any arbitrarily
> specified location (given as percentages).  But I think that command
> is a little different from the "%xoffset" described, so should be
> a separate command.  The way I read it, "%xoffset" is a longer-term
> setting of the x-location than a simple jump as done by "%again", or
> some new command that does a one-time jump to a given location.

It depends of what you expect of the 'xyloc' command. Should the x-setting
persist or should it be set to '0'. And if so, when schould it be set '0'? 

If you want it just for the next object, than 'global positioned objects'
might be better than a single command. An idea might be to leave the xoffset
fixed after an 'xyloc' and only increase the 'y' setting according to the
usual rules, effectivly defining a new column.

> I've been intending to write such a new command as my contribution
> to mgp, but just haven't found the time yet.  I suspect once familiar
> with mgp parsing, etc. it would probably take about 5 minutes to
> write such a command.

The 'xyloc' can be as easily introduces as the 'xoffset' command. The
'heavier' part was the 'x' offset, because this is usually determined
dynamically and no 'xpos' element exists within the  render_state structre.
'ypos' exists an can be easily modified, as shown by the 'again' command.

> And while I'm dreaming of what I might contribute, I've also been
> thinking of "%mark <a-z>" and "%again <a-z>" commands that allow
> 26 locations to be stored and jumped back to.

This is  what I also thought of in one of my other postings. This command
should store the x and y offset.

> > Why: I wanted to write on all pages the theme on a fix position on the
> > page. Or this is good for writing the author's name on the right bottom
> > corner.
> Yes, there are plenty of good reasons why one would want to jump to
> a known location on the page.

Right, that's why I introduce 'xoffset' :-).

Dipl.-Inf. Christopher Drexler, Lehrst.f. Mustererkennung _    __  __ ___ 
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