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(mgp-users 00571) Re: side-by-side positioning

> From: sigi-mgp@mail2me.de
> The %mark and %again are very good ideas.
> Is it possible to have not only an %xoffset, I had needed an %yoffset to?

I agree that there needs to be a "%xyloc" or something command that
basically does what "%again" does, except move to any arbitrarily
specified location (given as percentages).  But I think that command
is a little different from the "%xoffset" described, so should be
a separate command.  The way I read it, "%xoffset" is a longer-term
setting of the x-location than a simple jump as done by "%again", or
some new command that does a one-time jump to a given location.

I've been intending to write such a new command as my contribution
to mgp, but just haven't found the time yet.  I suspect once familiar
with mgp parsing, etc. it would probably take about 5 minutes to
write such a command.

And while I'm dreaming of what I might contribute, I've also been
thinking of "%mark <a-z>" and "%again <a-z>" commands that allow
26 locations to be stored and jumped back to.

> Why: I wanted to write on all pages the theme on a fix position on the
> page. Or this is good for writing the author's name on the right bottom
> corner.

Yes, there are plenty of good reasons why one would want to jump to
a known location on the page.

> Sigi


Bill Sherman
VR Impresario
NCSA Virtual Environments Group