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(mgp-users 00546) Re: Magicpoint ... Problem 1

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Carlos Puchol wrote:

>Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 23:50:55 -0500
>From: Carlos Puchol <cpg@rocketmail.com>
>To: Sigi <sigi@mail2me.de>, mgp-users@mew.org
>Subject: Re: Magicpoint ...

Hello Carlos

>i got this email from sigi ...
>i will answer what i can and let others try.

Many thanks.

>Sigi <sigi@mail2me.de> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I don't know if I'm right with this email address. I'll try it.  ;-)
>> I just installed the FreeBSD port of Magicpoint and started to play around
>> with it. I ave a few questions to it.
>> (1) Sometimes when I override some defaults then the override terms are
>> not shown. Like ...
>> This is my page start.
>> %% --- Seitenlayout
>> ...
>> %tab 3 size 3, vgap 40, prefix "            ", icon arc "#ffff00" 40
>   ^^^^^
>i believe the above only applies for 3-tabbed tabs, no?

Yes, thats right. I use it as default for three tabs.

>> An override on another page.
>> %vgap 40, prefix "            ", icon arc "#ccff00" 40
>thus, it would not apply in the above line.

Why I use this:

I have a list of terms with the default arc in front. Then I want after an
term more text in same shown but with no arc in front. I thaught I'll do
the same as in the default, but the arc color in background color, so
nobody sees the arc. Is there a better method?

>> Then it shows to arc's after another!?
>perhaps it is best to send the presentation or a minimal subset
>of it that exhibits the problem ...

Hmmmm, I tested and tested ... and I found the error - it was mine.

After my %vgap I did three tabs like in the default. This was wrong. I
must write from beginning of the page. Excuse.
