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(mgp-users 00544) Re: Magicpoint ...


i got this email from sigi ...
i will answer what i can and let others try.


Sigi <sigi@mail2me.de> wrote:
> Hello
> I don't know if I'm right with this email address. I'll try it.  ;-)
> I just installed the FreeBSD port of Magicpoint and started to play around
> with it. I ave a few questions to it.
> (1) Sometimes when I override some defaults then the override terms are
> not shown. Like ...
> This is my page start.
> %% --- Seitenlayout
> ...
> %tab 3 size 3, vgap 40, prefix "            ", icon arc "#ffff00" 40

i believe the above only applies for 3-tabbed tabs, no?

> An override on another page.
> %vgap 40, prefix "            ", icon arc "#ccff00" 40

thus, it would not apply in the above line.

> Then it shows to arc's after another!?

perhaps it is best to send the presentation or a minimal subset
of it that exhibits the problem ...
> (2) I can't use this very pretty porgram with my german language, because
> it makes a new line after the german charakters (ÄÖÜäöüß and so on). Is it
> possible to change the source, that it only fills in new lines when there
> comes new words, not between them? Or is thit a problem of my FreeBSD?

hmmm, i have used it with accents, but i suppose umlauts and so on work just
the same, no?

i did have problems with mgp2ps, but then the good folks that
develop magicpoint put in support for iso characters.

magicpoint is very good with many types of character sets, since it
is originated in japan..

> Thanks for your answer.
> This program is very good.

thanks to the mgp developers!
(i didn't do much to develop mgp)

> Hope you understand my ugly english.

most definitely, no problem.