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(mgp-users 00491) Re: Using TeX/LaTeX with magicpoint

From: Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@innocent.com>
Subject: (mgp-users 00489) Re: Using TeX/LaTeX with magicpoint
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 16:55:59 +0900
Message-ID: <>

alfie>  Allright now - go and tell us all _WHERE_ the archive for the english
alfie> list actually is?  I personally still think there is none, and I don't
alfie> think that I'm the only one.  If you have any other information please
alfie> share it with us, it would be mostly appreciated....


Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.