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(mgp-users 00475) Re: Welcome to our You are added automatically


The traffic seems rather low on this list, I probably should
browse the archives but I'm lazy so I think I'll
ask things directly. I am particularly interested to know about
any experience members on this list may have with 

I've started to use MagicPoint about 2 weeks ago on a
1024x768 laptop running RedHat 7.0. It worked ok, I was
abble to run a multimedia presentation using xanim and
mpeg_play. mpeg_play works just fine, I can put the animation
anywhere I want it to appear. This is great because you can save 
a frame to lets say tiff, add arrows and labels  to it, 
position it with xview/xloadimage and then use a %pause 
to start the animation over the still image position,
after you have explained the frame. There seems to be a bug
in xanim: if you try to move the animation around, it
crops it. I'm forced to always leave the animation on the
lower left corner. This is boring when trying to run animated
gifs or quicktimes (many of my animations were in these

Does anyone now about good software for LINUX allowing
conversions from quicktime, flc and avi to mpeg? By the
way where can I learn more about that animation format with native
support in MagicPoint? Is there a way to convert animations
from and to it?
