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(mgp-users 00428) troyans in mgp !

Hello mpg users !

I was looking at mgp and found a Microsoft "feature"

Did you know that the command : "%filter" and "%system" and "%xsystem"
can execute commands without you consent?

These commands can execute a possible virus or Trojan embedded in the file.

This is DANGEROUS. Because a user could load a presentation from the Internet a load a virus in his account (more dangerous if he's root).

I've seen many mpg presentations (it's an excellent tool) but this "feature" should be removed. After all I've never seen any presentation using these commands.

If you don't remove this "feature" It should be documented in the documentation.

If any of the main authors read this message It would be great to know his opinion (directly to my e-mail).

                Eduardo Pérez Ureta

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