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(mgp-users 00429) Re: troyans in mgp !

On 12 Nov 2000, Eduardo Pérez Ureta <100018135@alumnos.uc3m.es> wrote:
> This is DANGEROUS. Because a user could load a presentation from the
> Internet a load a virus in his account (more dangerous if he's root).

 One doing user things as root is a serious problem to himself.  On the
other hand, I often see mails coming from root or newspostings by

 What do I want to say by this?  Everyone that does anything else than
administrating his box with root is fully on his own if problems occur!
It's their own damned fault.

 You can't teach people security by taking them useful features just
because they might harm them when run as root.  With that thoughts some
programs wouldn't exist the way they do at the moment (most notably
including X11!).

 This is my private opinion and doesn't have to be shared by anyone

 I also don't say that we/I really need this feature or that it's a bad
idea to remove it....  I just try to offer a different view on the

 Have fun!
"I don't have to take this abuse from you -- I've got hundreds of
people waiting to abuse me."
                -- Bill Murray, "Ghostbusters"