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(mgp-users 00400) font problem with mgp sample & tutorial examples

I can't get MagicPoint to work on my VAIO laptop. It runs OK on my HP
server however. Both systems are running BSD/OS. The laptop is running
a reasonably up to date version of the XFree86 server which supports
the VAIO's Neomagic chipset. I'm only using X fonts and no support
for Truetype fonts was compiled into MagicPoint.

When I try the example mgp files on the laptop, almost no text is
displayed on every page and the following errors are reported over and
over again:

can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x004f
can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x0070
can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x0065
can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x0072
can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x0061
can't load font size 53 (nor font in similar size) for font <helvetica-medium-r:53:NULL>, glyph 0x0074 

So it looks as though the X server can't find the right fonts for
Helvetica (or other typefaces) for displaying the characters. I expect
this is some X configuration problem, but I don't have a clue how to
troubleshoot it or figure out what needs to be done to fix it. Both
systems have the same X font libraries.

Can anyone advise me what's wrong or where to start looking?

Thanks in advance.