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(mgp-users 00399) mgp.vim

        Hello there!

 I just recently stumbled over mgp and think it's really terrific :-) So
I hacked a little and came up with a nice little file: mgp.vim, a syntax
highlighting file for the teriffic editor vim[1].  It can be downloaded
from [2], and I hope it is at least a little useful, and that noone else
has done such a thing yet.

 I will contact the maintainer of vim to have it included in the
upcoming 6.0 release.

 If you have any sugguestions for it (it's really a dirty hack, it
doesn't truly parse the commands but just matches for the keywords) I
would be pleased. I am planing to make a more precise version but that
should suit for the start :-)

 Have fun, and keep up the good work :-)

P.S.: Is there an archive for the english mailinglist, also?
P.P.S.: Is it planed to have a true GUI Editor for the file so that
        there is maybe a change to make it into the GNOME office suit?
        Is someone already working on such a thing? Not that I need one,
        but mgp is really a teriffic program :)
P.P.P.S.: There seems to be a little quirk after quitting mgp, it seems
          the windowmanager isn't used again (have to klick to get the
          keybindings working again, e.g.)
P.P.P.P.S.: Did I mention already that I really like mgp?  ;-)

[1] <http://www.vim.org/>
[2] <http://alfie.ist.org/vim/syntax/mgp.vim>
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