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(mgp-users 00316) Re: Can anyone help me?


On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Luca wrote:
> 1) I would like to realize a slide like:
> ------------------------
> - item 1   ___________
> - item 2   |         |
> - item 3   | Figure  |
> - item 4   |_________|


	item 1
	item 2
	item 3
	item 4
%again, right
%newimage "Figure"

(the last line contains some spaces to shift the figure away from the

> 2) I don't know how to insert equations in the text, realizing things like
sorry, I don't know either.

Greets, Karsten
,-,  Student of Computer Science at Chemnitz University of Technology  ,-,
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