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(mgp-users 00314) Can anyone help me?

my name is Luca Abeni and I am a PhD student in computer engeneering.

I am trying to realize a presentation with MagicPoint, but I have some
problem, so I hope that someone can help me.

1) I would like to realize a slide like:

- item 1   ___________
- item 2   |         |
- item 3   | Figure  |
- item 4   |_________|

Is it possible? If yes, how? The only solution I found is to realize the
slide with FoilTex, export it as an eps, and then import it in MagicPoint
as an image, but this is not a good solution :(

2) I don't know how to insert equations in the text, realizing things like

	... <text> <equation> <text> ...

I tried to import the equation as an eps file (using %cont to put it in
the same line of the text), but the text line shifts up or down... The
only solution I found is to put the equation in a different line... Is it
possible to put the eqution in the same line of the text?

			Thanks in advance,
				Luca Abeni 

Luca Abeni
PhD Student in Computer Engineering
Retis Lab
Scuola Superiore S. Anna
E-Mail:        	luca@hartik.sssup.it
Phone (Lab):   	+39-50-883451

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