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(mgp-users 00315) Re: Can anyone help me?


purtroppo quello che vuoi fare non e` facile, forse vale
la pena davvero di fare le slides in latex, far produrre
i gif/png con la risoluzione giusta e visualizzare quelli
(sono piu` veloci del postscript).


  Luigi RIZZO, luigi@iet.unipi.it  . Dip. di Ing. dell'Informazione
  http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/  . Universita` di Pisa
  TEL/FAX: +39-050-568.533/522     . via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA (Italy)
  Mobile   +39-347-0373137
> Hello,
> my name is Luca Abeni and I am a PhD student in computer engeneering.
> I am trying to realize a presentation with MagicPoint, but I have some
> problem, so I hope that someone can help me.
> 1) I would like to realize a slide like:
> ------------------------
> - item 1   ___________
> - item 2   |         |
> - item 3   | Figure  |
> - item 4   |_________|
> Is it possible? If yes, how? The only solution I found is to realize the
> slide with FoilTex, export it as an eps, and then import it in MagicPoint
> as an image, but this is not a good solution :(
> 2) I don't know how to insert equations in the text, realizing things like
> 	... <text> <equation> <text> ...
> I tried to import the equation as an eps file (using %cont to put it in
> the same line of the text), but the text line shifts up or down... The
> only solution I found is to put the equation in a different line... Is it
> possible to put the eqution in the same line of the text?
> 			Thanks in advance,
> 				Luca Abeni 
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Luca Abeni
> PhD Student in Computer Engineering
> Retis Lab
> Scuola Superiore S. Anna
> E-Mail:        	luca@hartik.sssup.it
> Phone (Lab):   	+39-50-883451
>                                    Real Programmers Don't Use Windows :)