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(mgp-users 00257) Re: New version soon?


>>>>> On Mon, 6 Mar 2000 16:31:59 +0900, Carlos Puchol <cpg@rocketmail.com> said:
 >> a couple of comments. in my setup (redhat 6.1), i had
 >> to add "/usr" in lines 226 and 278 in configure.in (then 
 >> type autoconf, of course), in order for the configure to
 >> pick up libpng as well as libungif.

Thanks, I will modify configure.in.

 >> also, would you consider adding the spec file attached
 >> (with minor configuration version changes) for the released version?

Yes, I'd like to. 
so if you don't mind, when we release the next version, could you
check the spec file? we're not familier with linux.. 
Yoshifumi Nishida