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(mgp-users 00170) Re: Newbie question

On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, helio takai wrote:
> - got freetype from freetype.org, the latest version. Built fine and
>   installs in /usr/local/lib, with some other bins in /usr/local/bin.
>   but I think the relevant stuff is all in /usr/local/lib.
> - got magicpoint 1.0.5 and built fine. but when I tried to run
>   I get the following message:
>   mgp: cann't load library libttf.so.2 (or somethin like that)

It seems it can't find one of the libraries in the freetype package.
Check and see where libttf.so.2 is installed, and make sure your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable includes this directory.

Stephen Cornell          cornell@zoo.cam.ac.uk         Tel/fax +44-1223-336644
University of Cambridge, Zoology Department, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EJ