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(mgp-users 00169) Re: Newbie question

On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, helio takai wrote:

> I am having problems running magic point:
> Here is what I have done:
> - got freetype from freetype.org, the latest version. Built fine and
>   installs in /usr/local/lib, with some other bins in /usr/local/bin.
>   but I think the relevant stuff is all in /usr/local/lib.
> - got magicpoint 1.0.5 and built fine. but when I tried to run
>   I get the following message:
>   mgp: cann't load library libttf.so.2 (or somethin like that)
>   Any ideia of what might be happening? Suggestions welcome!

Check and see that libttf.so.2 is somewhere on your system, probably
/usr/local/lib.  Try locate or find if you can't find it. 

If it is that direcory is probably not be searched for libraries.
Either: move it to somewhere that is (e.g. /usr/lib), add the
direectory to the einvironment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or the
equivilent on your system --you don't say what OS you're using, check
with man ld.so) or use ldconfig to add it to the default search path.
If you use ldconfig take some care. You can mess up big time.

Hope this helps,  mgp is great.

Tony McGregor                   Mail:   T.McGregor@cs.waikato.ac.nz 
Department of Computer Science  Phone:  +64 7 838 4651 
Waikato University              Fax:    +64 7 838 4155         
Private Bag 3105                Home:   +64 7 825 5040 mobile: (025)281-8956
Hamilton, New Zealand           www:    http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~tonym