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(mgp-users 00141) Other problem w. eps here (was: RE: Re: proble

>       ghostscript can configure various driver with it. pleas be sure to
>       configure pbmraw driver, into ghostscript.
>       or, use -X option to mgp to change the ghostscript device name to
>       be used.
>       it really is a ghostscript installation problem, not magicpoint.


I've been using MagicPoint over some time without much problems (Cool tool -
thankyou!). Yet for an upcomming presentation I decided to include a "faded"
logo as background rather than "just" a color. 

For the sake of an example, the file test.mgp contains something like:

%bimage "AAU-background.gif"
%center, size 7, fore "cyan4", font "srsr", vgap 100
This is a test

On the screen things look just fine, but since I will be traveling far to give
the presentation, I decided to bring a set of slides rather than a laptop and a

Thus I tried  'mgp2ps -c -f test.ps test.mgp'

Which generated a postscript file with a completely black background, white
text and no logo :( I was hoping for the color logo in the background...

I do have a file "AAU-background.eps" in the same directory as "test.mgp" and
"AAU-background.gif", and the .eps-file looks ok when displayed by GhostScript.

Can anyone give me a hint here? I've tried tons of things and none seems to
work. I checked http://www.mew.org/MagicPoint to see if somehow a newer release
was available, but it seems that 1.04a is the latest?

If further information is required, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Mange hilsner / Sincerely

  Thomas Heide Clausen
  Civilingeniør i Datateknik (cand.polyt)
  M.Sc in Computer Engineering

  E-Mail: T.Clausen@computer.org
  WWW:    http://www.cs.auc.dk/~voop