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(mgp-users 00131) xwintoppm - unsupported screen depth

Hi all,

great program, mgp, but I don't seem to be able to create html-files, or
rather, the giffiles, with it.

when I use the mgp -D somedir mypresentation.mgp command, xwintoppm, the
first one in the chain, exits with an error. I put the debug mode on, and
got the following:

getting target window info
getting colors
calculating header size
983 737 255
dumping pixmap bufsize=376200

unsupported screen depth
bailing out

I know I'm a moron, so help me cover it up for others plse ;-)

Other option I tried: -o (to make sure the name of the window was
MagicPoint all right.



PS: I tried the archive but my Japanese is even worse than my English ;-(

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 |        kris carlier - kris@iguana.be    |
 | Hiroshima 45, Tsjernobyl 86, Windows 95 |
 | Linux, the choice of a GNU gener8ion    |
 | KC62-RIPE          SMS: +32-75-61.43.05 |
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