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(mgp-users 00092) Re: mgp2html bugs...

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> >I installed the Magic Point 1.04a RPMs from Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak
> ><kas@fi.muni.cz>  on my machine.
> >There were a couple of bugs relating to leftfill, continuations, \\
> >continued lines and lists which I had to fix to use it.
> >In the mean time, I lost my hard disk due to a crash, and want to know
> >if there is a newer version of mgp2html which I can use, or if I have to
> >make my changes again.
>         You may want to try our working snapshot kits,
>         located in ftp://sh.wide.ad.jp/WIDE/free-ware/mgp-snap/.
>         unfortunately no RPMs for these.
> itojun

Thanks for the pointer.

I also found a copy of mgp2html floating around on in a Sent mailbox,
and managed to get back my old version.  I'll check the newer one

	Thanks again!

	-- Alan Robertson