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(mgp-users 00086) newbee Question


	I´m doing my first slides with MagicPoint for the lecture I´ll give
here next semester. I´ve already several postscript files which can be
easily embedded in MagicPoint - it´s a very tedious job when I tried to
embeed them in M$-PowerPoint. 

The problem I face with MagicPoint are diphtongs - ö,ä,ü and so on.
The presentation works well but I´m not able to produce correct postscript
 % mgp2ps uebung.mgp > uebung.ps 
produces a good looking postscript file but the character Ü is missing.
I see several solutions to my problem:
	1. Don´t use German -> I ´ve no problem with another language
			          but my students prefer German.
	2. Hacking the postscript file -> I´ve very little experience in here
				and it could be a very tedious job too.
	3. Fix my problem within magicpoint -> how???

Solution No. 3 is of course the one I would prefer.

Thanks a lot for any help!

regards Martin Horauer  
e-mail: horauer@ict.tuwien.ac.at   
s-mail: E384, Gusshausstr. 27-29, A-1040 Vienna
tel:    ++43 1 58801 38416   
fax:    ++43 1 505 38 98 14
www:    http://www.ict.tuwien.ac.at       

Attachment: uebung.mgp
Description: Binary data