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(mgp-users 00075) Re: remarks against 1.04a

On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 01:27:49AM +0900, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> This is a _great_ enhancement, thanks a lot!
> Just a word of warning.
> One of the nice things of mgp is that it is mostly self-contained
> (except perhaps for postscript and the lack of "embedded" fonts...
> but we can work on that :) This means you have an easy time moving
> presentations around (see the %embed directive) or multicasting
> them as we do in mgpm. However resorting to such "tricks" for
> rendering math definitely makes presentations less portable, unless
> we build a little bit of support in mgpembed (or equivalent) to do
> the postscript generation on its own.

I haven't look closely at mgpembed yet.  But I thought it should replace the
'%image "b.eps"' by the uuencoded EPS file, so it remains portable in this
case (provided EPS files are displayable everywhere).  Anyway, the possibility
to include maths is compulsory for lots of people, and it would be a good idea
to provide a good TeX support for simple equations.

While we are at EPS files, I noticed that the '%image "a.eps" 300x200' scales
well on the screen (or X window), but it fails (to scale) on the output of
