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(mgp-users 00048) Re: misc questions & bugs

>> >        - the
>> >                %tab 1 size 4, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon arc "coral" 40
>> >        should not affect the space between lines that belong to the
>> >        same bullet ...
>> 	There is no scoping rule in "vgap" setting. "%tab" directive only
>> 	inserts the specified directives (in the above, "size 4 ... ")
>> 	into the line that start with tab.  Therefore, vgap will affect
>> 	everything after the line that start with tab.
>i think i did not explain myself well. let's assume i have a
>very long line in the mgp file, preceded by a tab. magicpoint
>splits the line and in the presentation ends up as several lines.
>if vgat is bigger, the space among these lines (part of the same
>"bulleted" item) is bigger.
>i think that the above vgap should only apply to the LAST rendered
>line of the tab-preceded item.			     ~~~~~~

	the word "LAST" means you have scope rule in mind...

	If I got the above %tab directive defined, and the following line is
	passed to magicpoint,
\tthis is test, this is test
	magicpoint will recognize this as follows:
%size 4, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon arc "coral" 40
this is test, this is test

	%vgap will be applied right away at TAB and this affects ALL the text
	after the TAB character.  There is no scope rule in magicpoint
	directives and directives affects everything that follows the
	directive.  How to implement such a scope rule in clean manner,
	and how should .mgp file be formatted, are still unclear to me yet.

>> >	- can pgup/pgdown be mapped to back/forwrd respectively,
>> >	and home/end to 1st/last?
>> 	I believe this is local to your X11 keymap settings (see manpage
>> 	for xmodmap).
>i know i can do that with xmodmap.. i was wondering if 
>you could include this patch in new releases:

	I see, that is of course possible.
