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(mgp-users 00047) Re: misc questions & bugs


---Jun-ichiro itojun Itoh <itojun@itojun.org> wrote:
> >        - the
> >                %tab 1 size 4, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon arc "coral" 40
> >        should not affect the space between lines that belong to the
> >        same bullet ...
> 	There is no scoping rule in "vgap" setting. "%tab" directive only
> 	inserts the specified directives (in the above, "size 4 ... ")
> 	into the line that start with tab.  Therefore, vgap will affect
> 	everything after the line that start with tab.

i think i did not explain myself well. let's assume i have a
very long line in the mgp file, preceded by a tab. magicpoint
splits the line and in the presentation ends up as several lines.
if vgat is bigger, the space among these lines (part of the same
"bulleted" item) is bigger.

i think that the above vgap should only apply to the LAST rendered
line of the tab-preceded item.

> >	- can pgup/pgdown be mapped to back/forwrd respectively,
> >	and home/end to 1st/last?
> 	I believe this is local to your X11 keymap settings (see manpage
> 	for xmodmap).

i know i can do that with xmodmap.. i was wondering if 
you could include this patch in new releases:

*** mgp.c	Thu Nov 19 09:06:44 1998
--- mgp.c-orig	Thu Nov 19 09:07:07 1998
*** 793,799 ****
  			case XK_j:
  			case XK_n:
  			case XK_Down:
- 			case XK_Next:
  			case XK_space:
  				struct render_state tstate;
--- 793,798 ----
*** 827,833 ****
  			case XK_k:
  			case XK_p:
  			case XK_Up:
- 			case XK_Prior:
  			case XK_BackSpace:
  			case XK_Delete:
  				if (number == 0) number = 1;
--- 826,831 ----

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