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(mgp-users 00029) Re: graphic tablet experiecne ?

> >[why i am looking at this ? to make use of the 'jotting' mode in mgp!]
> 	You may want to look at contrib/xmindpath, which sniffs serial
> 	input and raise X11 event.  In this way you can use the tablet
> 	as generic mouse device.

you guys are always one step ahead!

i tried xmindpath and have it kind of working, but have some
perplexities about it:

  1) maybe it is my port, but it seems a bit slow when drawing (the
     tablet is sending a lot of updates)
  2) at times, xmindpath seems to block (perhaps waiting for a response
     from the X server ?)
  3) how portable is the use of the Xtst library ? I am asking because
     it could be an alternative approach for my other project,
     controlling mgp remotely using a socket.

Luigi Rizzo                  |  Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
email: luigi@iet.unipi.it    |  Universita' di Pisa
tel: +39-50-568533           |  via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA (Italy)
fax: +39-50-568522           |  http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/