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(mgp-users 00030) Re: graphic tablet experiecne ?

>> 	You may want to look at contrib/xmindpath, which sniffs serial
>> 	input and raise X11 event.  In this way you can use the tablet
>> 	as generic mouse device.
>you guys are always one step ahead!
>i tried xmindpath and have it kind of working, but have some
>perplexities about it:
>  1) maybe it is my port, but it seems a bit slow when drawing (the
>     tablet is sending a lot of updates)

	I dunno about the tablet, so maybe this is due to serial baudrate.
	What is the baudrate you are using?

>  2) at times, xmindpath seems to block (perhaps waiting for a response
>     from the X server ?)

	I have never checked this in detail.

>  3) how portable is the use of the Xtst library ? I am asking because
>     it could be an alternative approach for my other project,
>     controlling mgp remotely using a socket.

	I believe it is portable, but it is not documented at all.

	NOTE: When using Xtst library, number of button presses must be the
	same as button releases.  If you send, say, too many button presses,
	state variable in X11 server for mouse button goes crazy.
