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(mgp-users 00028) Re: graphic tablet experiecne ?

	oops I forgot to update my From: ....

>does anyone have experience with graphic tablets -- particularly with
>cheap serial units ?
>i have tried one (a kid's model, "Wacky pad") and it seems not to talk
>any protocol recognized by moused. This one seems to talk at 9600,
>emits 5-byte strings with some strange absolute coordinate encoding
>which i managed to translate into a reasonable x,y format with a little
>bit of debugging, but i am wondering if there is some standard about

	I have never heard about standards, but GIMP people may know something
	about tablets.

>[why i am looking at this ? to make use of the 'jotting' mode in mgp!]

	You may want to look at contrib/xmindpath, which sniffs serial
	input and raise X11 event.  In this way you can use the tablet
	as generic mouse device.
