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(mgp-users 00011) Re: Time-based advance of mgp pages?

>>       mmm, that is slightly different from what I imagined.
>>       Is it okay for you to modify presentation foils, for demonstration?
>>       I believed it is not...
>I don't understand what you mean about modifying presentation foils, perhaps
>because I haven't examined that part of the program closely.  The html output
>would have to be unchanged, true.

	I meant that, you might want to use your foils for automatic
	demonstrations, as well as presentations, without modifying the
	*.mgp file.
	If you use "%pause 5" like things, your mgp file will be only for
	demonstrations (not usable for standard presentation).

	I believe Adobe Persuasion has auto-demo mode for this.
	(I know almost nothing about M$ PowerPoint)
