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(mgp-users 00009) Re: Time-based advance of mgp pages?

>Also, I was looking through window.c and found a function
>getNextEventWithTimeout(...) which could be used instead of XNextEvent(), with
>appropriate other modifications.  IMHO, an elegant solution would be to add an
>optional argument to the "%pause" directive representing the number of seconds
>to pause.  (0 or no argument would mean to wait for a key as before).  Then, the
>"%page" directive could also change to add a number of seconds to display the
>page.  Obviously, this solution is much more complicated.  Finally, a command
>such as "%repeat" or "%goto <pagenum>" is needed at the end, since the
>presentation must repeat itself.  (This could be done from a shell script,
>for now.)

	mmm, that is slightly different from what I imagined.
	Is it okay for you to modify presentation foils, for demonstration?
	I believed it is not...

	Anyway "%pause 5" looks useful, so I may adding this one.
