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(mgp-users 00004) Re: Time-based advance of mgp pages?

>Is there any way for mgp to advance automatically through the various pages of
>a presentation?  Or, it always necessary to press a key?
>I am trying to use mgp and Linux for an unattended presentation which must
>repeat automatically.  Thus, mgp needs to advance through its slides without
>waiting for a key.  "Demo" mode is much too fast.

	for quickhack solution, how about adding "sleep(5)" in demo-mode page
	flipping code?  I'll be adding a option to do this. (such as -d5)


(this may not be applicable to 1.3a, but you can see what is necessary)

Index: mgp.c
RCS file: /home/wide/itojun/cvsroot/mgp/kit/mgp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -c -r1.70 mgp.c
*** mgp.c	1998/07/06 02:41:36	1.70
--- mgp.c	1998/07/09 23:59:43
*** 277,282 ****
--- 277,283 ----
  			state_goto(&state, start_page, 0);
  			draw_page(&state, NULL);
+ 			sleep(5);	/*XXX*/
  	} else {