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[mgp-users 1512] Re: Problem with mgp2ps -c

Hi David,
Hmm.. The following works for me. Did I miss anything?

%fore "white", back "white"
%filter "latex2eps.sh -sty color CSC_U"
  \beta \tilde u_{c,c;{eff}}(k) &=& \beta \tilde
  u_{c,c}(k)-\frac{\rho_pk^2\tilde c^2_{p,c}(k)}{k^2+\kappa^2},
%center, fore "black", image "CSC_U.eps" 256 250 250 1

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: David Ronis <ronis@ronispc.chem.mcgill.ca>
Subject: [mgp-users 1511] Re: Problem with mgp2ps -c
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2010 15:59:07 -0400
Message-ID: <>

 > Hi Yoshifumi,
 > I deleted the .eps and .gscache files.  Nothing changes.  However,
 > %center, fore "white"
 > %filter "latex2eps.sh -sty color CSC_OZ"
 > \pagecolor{white}
 > \color{black}
 > \begin{eqnarray}
 >   \tilde{h}_{i,j}(k) &=& \tilde{c}_{i,j}(k) 
 >   + \sum_l \tilde{c}_{i,l}(k)\rho_l\tilde{h}_{l,j}(k),
 >   \nonumber
 > \end{eqnarray}
 > %endfilter
 > works in the main presentation window.  It seems that mgp and latex have
 > different views as to what is black or white. 
 > David
 > On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 16:34 +0900, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
 > > Hi David,
 > > 
 > > From: David Ronis <ronis@ronispc.chem.mcgill.ca>
 > > Subject: [mgp-users 1509] Re: Problem with mgp2ps -c
 > > Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 16:31:29 -0400
 > > Message-ID: <>
 > > 
 > >  > Hi Yoshifumi,
 > >  > 
 > >  > Thanks for the reply.  I tried adding the -sty color and other
 > >  > directives as you suggested.  Couple of things:
 > >  > 
 > >  > 1.  In the usual presentation, the colors seem to be reversed; i.e., the
 > >  > equations come out in black surrounded by a white background (I'd guess
 > >  > that it's the boundingbox).
 > > 
 > > Could you remove CSC_U.eps and .gscache.CSS_U.eps.* file on your directory
 > > and try to run mgp again?
 > > 
 > >  > 2.  When I run mgp2ps -c things work slightly better:  now the equations
 > >  > come out in the expected colors, however, only the last equation on the
 > >  > page displays.  The other ones flash by and are overwritten by any
 > >  > subsequent latex output.  (I have multiple %filter sections, one for
 > >  > each equation, even if they're on the same page).
 > > 
 > > Hmm.. I confirmed this happens on my PC, too. I'll take a look.
 > > 
 > > Thanks,
 > > --
 > > Yoshifumi Nishida
 > > nishida@sfc.wide.ad.jp
 > >