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[mgp-users 1499] Re: MagicPoint patch

Hello Kevin,

Sorry. I took a look at the your sample slide very quickly and misunderstood that
the %title creates title line in the somewhere (not top) of the slide. so sorry.
Now, I think I understand it. 

The %title only affects the title on the navigation bar and HTMLed slides, doesn't it?
If so, I think it's straighforward and useful.

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Kevin.Buckley@ecs.vuw.ac.nz
Subject: [mgp-users 1498] Re: MagicPoint patch
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 10:24:49 +1200 (NZST)
Message-ID: <>

 > Hello Yoshifumi
 > > At first, thanks for using magicpoint. It's great honor to me.
 > > I've checked the URL. From my point of view, you don't have to
 > > create special directive for this. For example, by using the
 > > following commands,I believe you can do similar things.>
 > > (In this example, the second line of your slide will be displayed
 > > somewhere around center of the slide)
 > >
 > > %default 1 area 90 90, leftfill, size 2, fore "white", back "black",
 > font "thick"
 > > %default 2 size 7, vgap 10, area 100 100 0 30, center
 > > %default 3 size 2, left, area 100 100 0 7, bar "gray70", vgap 10
 > > %default 4 size 5, fore "white", vgap 30, prefix " ", font "standard"
 > I think you may have not seen my problem: it is not a problem
 > with the text content on the slides during a presenatation.
 > I have tried your default commands but my problem still exists.
 > The first line of text on each of my slides is the string:
 > "School of Engineering and Computer Science"
 > which is there to provide part of the "banner" across the top
 > along with the two images.
 > That string is not really part of the slide content.
 > However, that string becomes the "page title" as returned by the
 > page_title() procedure in the source code.
 > That title is then used in the navigation line in a normal display
 > on an X Window System (after Shift G) and for the title of the slides
 > in the HTML version.
 > Since my original email direct to you and your reply here, I have
 > placed my original version of the slides (without the %title) at
 > the URL as kmb1.mgp. (URL reproduced here for the mgp-users list)
 >   http://ww.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~kevin/MagicPoint/
 > If you view that file in MagicPoint and turn on the navigation line
 > with Shift-G, you'll see that all the strings are the same.
 > If you look at an HTML rendering, you'll see that all the three
 > slides have the title "School of Engineering and Computer Science"
 > and not the real title.
 > If you use my patch, then this does not happen.
 > Your "%default" commands above do not seem to alter that behaviour ?
 > But maybe I am missing something in my usage of MagicPoint ?
 > > BTW, I've added your e-mail address to the mgp-users list. If
 > > you don't like it, please say so. I'll remove it soon. If it's
 > > OK, please use it anytime you have suggestions or questions.
 > That's great. Many thanks for that.
 > I have sent my reply to the list rather than direct to you now
 > and copied you in, in case I am still not subscribed.
 > Kevin
 > -- 
 > Kevin M. Buckley                                  Room:  CO327
 > School of Engineering and                         Phone: +64 4 463 5971
 >  Computer Science
 > Victoria University of Wellington
 > New Zealand