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[mgp-users 01349] Re: Problem running mgp with external programs like mpeg_play (on Mac OS X)


thanks for the fast reply - sorry i bothered you with my lame question - should have looked for myself for this options (RTFM ;-)... in case somebody having similar problems here's the terminal command line that works (with borderless videos) for my system:

xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -exec /sw/bin/mgp -U test.mgp

%system "mpeg_play -controls off -dither gray \
 -end 1 -framerate 40 -position +200+250 \

didn't need to add -g >> had a few problems with that option and window managers (tried windowmaker, twm and blackbox) because i couldn't manage to get rid of the window decorations so i commented the window managers out from .xinitrc


p.s.: mr. nishida thank you very much for this great program - you've done a great job ;-) - we (some institutes from the university of stuttgart - germany) are using exclusively mgp for our presentations and are very happy with it btw - we get a lot of credits for the appearance of the presentations - especially for the glueless integration of movie clips :-)

nishida@csl.sony.co.jp wrote:

You need to add -U option to use %system command.
And you might need to use -g option to put mpeg_play on the top of the mgp.

Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Uwe Rempler <rempler@mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de>
Subject: [mgp-users 01347] Problem running mgp with external programs like mpeg_play (on Mac OS X)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 19:24:44 +0200
Message-ID: <>

> hi list,
> > i'm wondering if it is possible to call a program from within the > presentation (on mac os x) like under linux with %system "mpeg_play > test.mpg"... > mgp works fine with os x but i can't get external movie players like > mpeg_play to work....
> my test.mgp looks like:
> -------------------------------------------------
> %default 1 size 5, fore "darkblue"
> %deffont "Standard" tfont "times.ttf"
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> %page
> %pcache 1 1 0 0
> %bimage "jpgs/1.jpg" 1024x768
> .
> %system "mpeg_play -controls off -dither gray \
>   -end 1 -framerate 40 -position +200+250 \
>   videos/posglevp/sand_h20.mpg"
> [...]
> > i'm starting mgp (from terminal) with:
> -------------------------------------------------
> xinit /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -exec /sw/bin/mgp test.mgp  -- -quartz
> > my system:
> -------------------------------------------------
> lovely little ibook g4 (really nice toy ;-) with mac ox x v10.3.5, > xdarwin v1.3.0 (from fink), a self-compiled mpeg_play v2.4 and mgp > v1.11a (don't think v1.11b would make any differences for my problem - i > can live with the ctrl-flickering for now :-) > > hopefully somebody's got a tip for me...
> uwe
> > >